Monday, November 06, 2006
save the turkeys!

Thanksgiving and I will most likely never agree. It's not that I'm ungrateful or so self-absorbed I think I deserve all the fortunes I've received without a sliver of gratitude in exchange. I say "thank you" for pretty much everything, even when a teacher hands me a test. Anyway, it's just, most people have forgotten the true essence of the holiday, since it
now revolves around turkey and pies and hours of food preparation.

First, Thanksgiving is an awkward holiday for most vegetarians, I would imagine. At our family gathering each year, my mom forbids me to speak on behalf of the turkey, even though the poor thing died as a result of human vanity. Since I refuse to eat the turkey, which is expected after five and a half years of not digesting animal flesh, you'd think there'd still be a feast for my mouth to partake in. However, I'm easily one of the pickiest eaters on the face of the earth, I swear. So I usually just eat corn and stuffing, since my Aunt Kathy makes special non-animal product stuffing for me, and I feel bad if i don't at least swallow some spoonfuls. And then comes my fear of watching people eat. It's not really a fear, but it causes great discomfort. Hearing the sound of people chew, to me, is the equivilent of hearing someone go to the bathroom, it's just the beginning of the process, not the end. I can't fathom even desiring to spend hours preparing one meal that will last for weeks. It causes unnecessary stress, and it makes you fat. Another part of Thanksgiving I don't particularly enjoy is the saying of grace. I think it's a little ironic, spending all that money on food and then thanking God for putting it on the table in front of you. Especially when there are children in third world countries starving to death. Maybe with all of our praising God, he basks in his glory and momentarily ignores those in need as to relish in his ego boost. Maybe not. I don't think I believe God exists. Sometimes it's hard to, other times it's hard not to. Plus, my cat's name is Grace, so when someone mentions "grace", I end up thinking about her, and then about the turkey population the human race has greatly reduced, and ought to be thanking, instead of God.

I guess you could call me the "Scrooge of Thanksgiving"





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